hi, Friday!

Audrey-Hepburn-laughing-and-jumping-mylusciouslife.com_ Audrey-Hepburn-laughing-and-jumping-photo-mylusciouslife.com_

It feels so good to laugh, doesn’t it? I got a good chuckle in this morning when…

I had just sent my beginner students on a scavenger hunt around the college campus, and gave them my cell number in case they had any questions. While taking a break in the washroom, my phone rings.

If I miss this call, they’ll get nervous and call back and…so my maternal instinct picked up the call. Right there in the stall.

“Hello?” I say pleasantly, trying to mask the echoey sound from the empty washroom.

“Hello? Teacher? It’s Takki. What are Tim Bits?”

Lovely. Not a “yes” or “no” answer. And even more, those silly sensor things flush automatically if you’re, ehhem, on too long. Now that will be hard to explain in esl. Heart-a-flutter, I answered:

“Yes. Timma Bitsss. They… are… littllle… tiny… dough-nuts.” (echo, echo, echo…as geoscience or whatever lecture happens just feet away)

“Little tiny donuts?” (Hmm, near perfect pronunciation. Still its a far cry from Tim Horton’s drive thru to post-secondary ready)

“Yes, little tiny donuts. Ok?”


“Ok, have funnnn!” Chuckling my entire walk back to the room.

Two things I’m grateful for this morning: 1) That no one came in while I was teaching ESL from a bathroom stall. 2) A good laugh at yet another awkward-and-I-survived-it experience under my belt.

Just don’t get me started on the time my one and only t.p. roll fell down the shoot just 5 minutes before having to teach a class in China. In an abandoned bathroom. Mmhmm. For another time.

Try to laugh this weekend! It’s so good for the soul!

photo source: 1


Filed under life

4 responses to “hi, Friday!

  1. This is such a great story! 🙂

  2. ehhem 😉 this is wonderfully innocent and full of smiles!

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